By Gerri D Smith
You can do what you want to do; your desire to do it is PROOF that you have within you the power to do it. ~ Wallace Wattles
When you build a business based on passion, it becomes a labor of love. Working for yourself gives you an opportunity to honor your values, your goals, your desires, as well as your family. Because you are the boss you get to call the shots. You are investing in your future.
Making the decision to go into business for yourself and remain there takes a certain mind shift. Life does not train you to be self-employed. Yet, there are rules and attitudes that must be experienced before you can make the shift from employee to being your own boss. Here are seven quick and easy guideposts.
1. Create a space in your mind that is only dedicated to your business.
2. Once the decision to become your own boss is made, you must remember, you are your most important asset. So, without you there is no business to maintain.
3. Develop a positive marketing attitude, Know what you are promoting. Is it a service or a product? No matter which type, do it well. Make it the best it can be. Then continue to improve it.
4. Do not be afraid to ask for help. Just because you are in business, you are not supposed to know everything. You grow by learning, by doing, and by asking. This even includes failing. You still learn what not to do the next time.
5. Admit your mistakes. Learn from them and go on.
6. Make up your mind to be successful. Measure your success by your goals and the results of your actions. Always act as if you have already accomplished your goal.
7. Express gratitude every day - even for small successes.
In moving from employee to boss, these steps become the power to your success and may turn your business into a great, long term enterprise.
Other important steps that must be considered are your strengths and weaknesses. How clear are you on what your good points are? What do you value? Is it to give quality service to your clients? Will your product or service be the best it can be? Can you seek help when you need it? What unique abilities will you bring to your business?
What are your top three weak areas? Are you reliable? Trustworthy? Do you finish what you start? Can you always put your clients ahead of your wish to make a profit? Good businesses continue to work on weak links as they arise. Great businesses make an effort to be better than their competition.
You become your own boss by doing what you are good at. Is your idea to start a product or service business something new? Being original is often overlooked in the marketplace today. Learn what creative ideas are being introduced in product development, research, and design, then make plans to stimulate an interest in your new idea or invention. Test the market. Do market surveys. Talk to your target audience. Then listen to your potential clients and get feedback from them.
When the majority of reactions to your new idea, product, or service are positive, a decision to go ahead becomes a choice. Use common sense, make a plan, and keep it simple and realistic. Pay attention to what needs to be done in three months, one year, three years, and ongoing. What kind of cash outlay do you need? How fast will you grow? What kind of help do you need and when do you need it? All areas must be considered.
These guideposts are only a tip of the steps needed to becoming your own boss. Learn all that you can. Pick a good team of people to work with and for you. Be grateful for your passion. And when the opportunities come, always give the best service and products to your clients or customers.
Never take your clients or customers for granted. When possible, keep two steps ahead of your competition. Only then are you as powerful as you wish to be. Are you ready to make the shift from employee to boss?
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Gerri D Smith designs apparel for women who love to dress up for elegant evenings, and publishes inspirational articles for the creative mind. Thank you for your precious time reading her article and discovering how unique you are. Peek at her designs, more articles, and take a journey into the world of fashion at
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Going from Employee to Boss Are You a Good Candidate?
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
What Makes Successful People Special?
By Annette Phillips
I am successful. You can be successful. I can do anything I want to do and anything I can dream of. You can do anything you want to do and anything you dream of. Now that being said, not everyone is cut out to work from home successfully. You can do it just like I do, but you have to want it more each day and you have to stick to it like gum sticks to the bottom of your shoe! Never let go of your dream to be at home and to succeed.
Sometimes getting to success is painful. It requires change at some point. The phrase, "If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten," is very true. If you are not successful doing what you are currently doing then change is necessary and that may require some reflection on yourself and you may discover some painful truths. If you are strong enough to handle what comes from looking closely at yourself you will be successful!
Never imagine that you have arrived. You should be constantly changing and growing. What worked for you last year may not work this year, and what works for you today may not even work tomorrow. Be learning and growing daily. If someone asks you what you are currently reading or studying you should be able to share with confidence your latest find.
Habits are very powerful factors in our success. Maybe you procrastinate, or are critical of others. If you have habits that are not helping you toward success it is time to change them! Pick one habit and start with that one. For 30 days, focus on changing that one habit to a habit that will be productive and lead you toward success. You can develop new habits that will launch you toward your goals. You are not stuck just because this is the way you have always done things. If you want new results you need to take new actions.
To be truly successful you will also have to be productive. If you are working from home but spending much of your day surfing the internet or on the phone talking about working rather than working you are not being productive. You may feel like you spent your day working, but unless you are getting results from your actions, those actions are wasted.
This is not meant to be discouraging, but simply to point out that you can be just as successful as anyone else, but you have to be willing to do what they did to get there. So the questions to ask yourself are: "Am I willing to do whatever it takes to be successful, even if it is personally painful?" "Have I done something to better myself today?" "Have I looked carefully at myself and found one habit to work on changing?" "Have I been productive today or have I just been busy?" "If I was my boss would I pay me for today?" If you can honestly say that you are willing to change no matter how painful it is personally, you have done something to educate yourself each day, you have focused on changing one habit into something positive and you have been productive today then you are successful and you will be reaping the results for a long time to come.
Several years back when my kids were creeping up on the teen years and I started hearing more and more excuses for why things were not done, I realized that we all tend to make excuses for ourselves. They can be real and legitimate excuses sometimes, but they are all just excuses if we are not doing what must be done to get where we want to go. My main email address starts out with noexcuses. This reminds me every time I send an email that I should be focusing on what is important because excuses just won't get me there!
Old habits can be very hard to break but if you are serious about being successful you will take the necessary steps to break away from those old habits and make new lasting habits for success. Will you make excuses or will you do what it takes? Join me today in committing to a long and successful journey in working at home and finding success and fulfillment every day. No excuses will do!
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