Thursday, February 28, 2008

Home Based Business - Tips for Time Management

By vinay

Unless we devote enough time for our home business we cannot expect to get positive results. Just setting up a home business is not sufficient. It will not run on its own.

You may think that you are fully occupied with your home management and left with no free time at your disposal, even though you wished it so. If you really want to make some extra bucks from home along with managing your home and kids, lack of time cannot be considered as an excuse. If that strong will is there, all that you have to do is make adjustments with your routine work at home and proper time management. It can be easily achieved by little bit of planning and organizing your routine work.

1. It is worth remembering the old saying, “If there is a will there is a way”. If you organize your work in a better way you will be surprised to find extra time that you very badly needed to devote towards your home based business.

2. Spend some time thinking to find out where your time is spent more than it is absolutely needed. Ask yourself, “Can I manage this work by reducing 15 minutes of my time spent for this?” If more of your time is spent in cooking you have to sit and think how you can finish your cooking faster and get some time from that task. The easier thing will be if you plan what you are going to do in advance instead of rushing each time. A planned work can be finished faster than the one done without any planning.

3. Teaching the kids to be self-disciplined and self-reliant is another method to find time. If they can do some of their work without your help you will get some free time. The older child can be given the responsibility of taking care of the younger ones when you are busy with your home business or other work, for which don’t forget to reward them for their understanding. Also engage them with something they enjoy doing when you are busy with your work.

4. Are you spending more time watching television? Do you think it is absolutely essential to spend that much time? By giving up some of your regular serials and soaps you will find some extra time at your disposal.

Not only the ones mentioned above, anything which takes your time such as gardening, shopping, paying bills, running errands, visiting friends and relatives, afternoon naps, chatting and gossiping with friends etc. can be reevaluated and you will be able to squeeze some time there.

In the beginning, this type of adjustments will be little difficult, but soon you will see its worth. But once your mind is set for finding time to work for your home business, gradually it will become a practice of finishing your work faster. You will soon find the extra time for what you always wanted to do.

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Friday, February 22, 2008

An Opportunity Called Home Business

By G.Entp1

Opportunity has strange ways of presentation. While you may search heavily for it everywhere, it will stand there silently, waiting to be found. It will not knock your door or pat on your back to grab your attention.

It will stand there; appear in disguise waiting for you to recognize it and lift the veil from its face. It demands action from you, yet it won’t give the slightest hint of its existence. Why?

A man who seeks opportunity will eventually find one. When, how and where entirely depends on the sharpness of the seeker. Opportunities are already there. If we are not conscious, we don’t see one. Only when we start becoming conscious, we start finding one.

Recently a friend of mine critically asked me, “If home business on the net can bring so much wealth and freedom to oneself how come everybody is not sitting at home and earning.”

He was trying to negate that money can be earned by online business. I tried to explain him about online earning but he was not ready to accept the reason.

“I think that is wastage of time.” He completely rejected me.

He was not conscious of the fact and he could not be subjected to reason.

Well! Then home business is not for him.

First step to find an opportunity is to believe that it exists. One must accept that it is there. Then one must become conscious of home business’ money earning potential.

When you become conscious of something you start noticing that in abundance. If you are not conscious of something you can’t see that even surrounding are full of it.

That is law of nature.

Nature has designed things in this fashion to avoid the revelation to the unprepared and thus unworthy.

The opportunity can only be used by able. One who can recognize the opportunity and acts to tap it is an able man. Other kinds either will not find the chance or let it pass without utilization.

Home business on the net has produced millionaires. Countless people started with limited resources and now earn unlimited wealth. What did they do?

They recognized an opportunity and took action. They had eyes for the opportunity and audacity for taking an action. That is what makes them stand apart in addition to the wealth they have made.

They were able.

Taking an action is second step for tapping the opportunity. Action taking is must if you want to get yields from opportunity. Otherwise the opportunity is as good as no opportunity.

Opportunity for home based business would always remain. With internet expanding at such a fast pace, potential of home business is much more than ever.

But only those seek with conviction and vision would find one.

Moreover, only those who are courageous enough to take action would find their way to enormous wealth.

People who lack conviction, courage or both will not find any wealth in the home business or for that matter anything.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

10 Things Every Home Based Business Owner Needs

By Anil Dhanta

When you make the decision to earn income from the internet you will need to go through a set up process to be ready for business.

Following are the basic steps in setting up for home business success.

1. Attitude

The key to your business success is your attitude.

Treat your business like a business.

This is critical whether you are working part-time or full-time. One of my colleagues is a mother who works from home around her family. She has always put her family first whilst at the same time developing her business. She says, "I work part-time, but I have a full-time attitude."

Put another way, "If you have a hobby attitude you will have a hobby income, if you have a business attitude you will have a business income."

You can be successful working part-time and you can be successful working full-time, but it is highly unlikely that you will be successful working in your "spare time".

2. Working Environment

A space that you can call your own, free from distractions for your scheduled time.

A comfortable chair and organized desk.

Stationery supplies as required. For example:
- pens
- highlighters
- stapler
- hole punch
- sticky tape
- note book(s)
- a simple filing system
- ring binders
- manila folders

Consider the value of a broadband connection. Your time is valuable and a broadband connection can allow you to get more done in a given time frame.

3. Schedule

Develop a schedule that works for you, your family (or "significant others"), and your business. When you allot a block of time for work then use that time for work. Equally important is to schedule time for your other commitments - family time, self education (reading, listening and viewing), "health time" (exercise, cooking and eating), and leisure time. During these other times don't work. After all, if one of the reasons to work from home is to spend more time with your family then you don't want your working at home time to consume your family time.

You are working for yourself, and your schedule (by your choice) is your "boss". When you have people calling you or dropping around unexpectedly or maybe out-of-town visitors may want to catch up with you, then you need to make a choice. Are you committed to your own business success? What will be your choice in these situations? Only you can decide what is important to you.

In a family environment you may need to negotiate with your partner and children to have your business time agreed upon, during which you will not be interrupted. Put this schedule prominently somewhere, so all family members are aware of your work schedule.

4. Describe Your Business

Be able to describe your business concisely; a powerful one or two sentence description that someone can repeat in describing your business to others. A unique and memorable tag line can also be invaluable for promoting your business.

5. Know Your Product or Service

Once you have selected your product or service to sell -- it may or may not be something that you use yourself -- you need to know your product intimately. If you are selling e-books, then know the content and its value. If you are selling software, then use it or know it "inside out". You will develop a reputation of providing quality information, and because of your product knowledge you can become the preferred supplier.

It is not practical to use certain products (for example a woman may choose to sell men's shoes or vice versa) in which case the seller won't be a product user, however the seller can still know the benefits and features of the product intimately.

6. Administration

Use good record keeping practices.

This may involve a consultation with a tax advisor who can let you know about the optimal way to set up your financial records and what records need to be kept. Your advisor will also recommend record keeping systems and you can find out what software may simplify this aspect of your business. Additionally, obtain advice on the best arrangement for your bank accounts. You will most likely be advised to have a separate bank account.

You will also need to keep track of your various logins, usernames and passwords. A very handy little software tool for this is Treepad, available as either the free Lite version (without password protection) or the commercial Plus or Biz versions.

There is other useful tools for this also, from a simple paper notebook to free and commercial password keepers. One popular solution is Roboform that will remember your login details and can automatically fill out your login and other registration forms.

7. Computer Protection

Your computer is the lifeline to your business dealings and must be protected, including the data that is stored.

You need a virus scanner, personal firewall, anti-spyware and anti-adware, and preferably an email scanner with the ability to delete suspect of spam email from the server before it is downloaded to your computer.

Some suggestions are:
AVG Anti-Virus:
Spybot S&D:
Microsoft Anti-Spyware:
Mailwasher Email Scanner:

8. A Domain Name

You will most likely need a domain name for your business and one cost effective registrar is GoDaddy,

9. Payment Processing

You will need a way to process credit cards; that may be using services such as:
- PayPal
- Storm Pay
- 2 Checkout
- Clickbank or others.

This is the most economical way to get started. Once your business picks up you may need to look into your own merchant account for credit card transactions.

Consideration may also be given to other forms of online currency such as eGold

10. Email accounts

Once you have your own domain you can use an associated email account. This can further assist in the promotion of your business and promotes a more professional business image.

As a final comment on continuing in your internet business, conduct your business ethically, provide extraordinary service and be proud to put your name to the products or services that you are selling and you will be on track to developing a sustainable long term internet business.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Reality Check... The Necessary First Step Before Starting A Home Business

By BhishamChander

I have helped thousands of people start up their own home based businesses using the Internet. Over time, I have come to recognize two of the most important factors for identifying people that should NOT start a home based business.

If a prospective entrepreneur says something like... "I'm broke and need to make some money... fast!" or, "I want to start a home business, but I don't want to spend anything on it until after I start earning some money." is certain that they have not "gotten real" and should not attempt to start a home business under either of those conditions. I refer to them as the "death sentences" for starting a home based business.

Almost equally important is the need to have realistic economic expectations when undertaking a home based business. There is no magic here, folks. A home based business provides many rewards such as working in the comfort of your own home, avoiding a stressful commute, being your own boss, setting your own hours, no dress code, etc., etc., but anyone that is also expecting "instant riches" is sadly mistaken.

There are a tremendous number of home business and work at home opportunities offered on the Internet. Many of these are all hype and try to convince you that you will be making huge amounts of money in very little time (you know, stuff like... "you will be making $5,000 per week, and more, in just a few weeks!"). You should avoid these like the plague... If they were for real, everyone would be doing it.

Study the opportunities carefully and select the home business opportunity that seems to fit your own particular style or talents. What is a good choice for one person may be a very poor fit for someone else. The common thread that applies to everyone is that you must be "for real" (as indicated above) and the business opportunity itself must be "for real".

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Monday, February 18, 2008

3 Internet Home Based Businesses Anyone Can Do

By Manpreet

So what kind of home based business opportunity should you take on? Do you want to have an internet-based home business? Millions have done it, are doing it and are earning good livings doing so.

Here are three different kinds of Internet based business models you can try:

1) Be an online retailer for reputable companies. Your home based internet business can give reviews about all the products and services of these companies. Your customers will browse around your website, and then click on to the link. The link will send the customer to the company’s customer service website, which takes care of processing and shipping their order.

Your home based online business website does the marketing, promoting and advertising aspects for these companies. Your commission comes from the proceeds of the sale. You don’t even have to spend money for expensive e-commerce software.

2) You may not be able to bear the pain of separating from your oldest possessions, but how about auctioning these things off? For a minimal entry fee and closing fee, you can put your prized possessions on auction at EBay or other spin-offs found on the net. This is a virtually free home based business since you don’t pay for web presence. You’ll get traffic since EBay receives as many as 4 million visitors a day, and you won’t need to worry about your e-commerce software. Plus your small home based internet business stays open even when you go fishing!

3) Sell information. You can start your home based internet business by writing on a subject that you enjoy or are knowledgeable about. If you can do this, then this small home based internet business is for you. Write your e-book and sell it on sites like,, or

These home based internet business are all simple and easy enough to do. You can earn a living on these ideas if you view this small home based business with passion and commitment.

Just remember these home based internet tip:
Constantly fine-tune your marketing strategy and always test new ad copies to see what brings you the most sales!

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6 Secret Signs of an Easy Home Business

By nkgnkg

If you take a look around the Internet, you'll find hundreds of thousands of people who are looking for an easy home business. But what exactly does EASY mean? The answer depends on who is answering the question!

In this article, I'm going to show you six things that easy home businesses have in common - things you should look for when starting a low effort easy home business. Picking a business with these features will greatly increase your chance of success in your business ventures.

Here are the six things to look for in an easy home business:

1. A Well-Established Company With A Great Track Record

It's no secret that most so-called easy home businesses fail. There are a thousand reasons why, and it would take a business degree to really understand it all, but one thing that easy home businesses share is a great track record.

If a company is able to survive and thrive for 4 years, it means they have everything in place to run the business - and that means you can join up and hit the ground running.

2. Popular Products

This ties closely with Item 1 - an easy home business must have products that people want! It sounds simple, but many "fast cash" businesses you see being marketed on the Internet have products that you would NEVER buy in a thousand years. Yet they expect you to sell them!

By choosing an easy home business that has products that are easy to sell, it makes everything easier. You don't need to twist arms, or deal with a high percentage of product returns. Everything goes smoothly when people are calling YOU to order!

3. No Large Up-Front Costs

This might sound surprising, but CASH is in short supply when you start any easy home business. That's right - every easy home business has this problem. It's important to know that the cost of getting into a business is not your only cost - there are marketing costs to consider, for instance. How will you attract new customers and new sales? You'll need to have business cards, a telephone (try not to use your home phone, just in case your business skyrockets or, Lord fordbid, goes bankrupt), and other expenses. You may need to attend teleconferences, or travel to events, and these costs should be considered BEFORE you jump in to any easy home business with both feet.

4. No Inventory to Maintain

We've all seen the easy home business opportunity that lets you get in on their hot opportunity - if you'll fill your garage with products. Those days are gone!

In today's environment, easy home businesses do all the product handling for you - they will produce it, package it, ship it, and even bill the customer on your behalf. Your only requirement is to tell them where to send your earnings!

Be sure that the easy home business you choose has no inventory requirements.

5. An Easy Way to Attract New Customers

A great easy home business is one that has customers coming to YOU. This is achieved by having a system in place that lets customers find you.

6. A Great Marketing System

The best easy home businesses come with a fine-tuned marketing system that you can use. This is a system that you can plug into with minimal effort, and see results in a very short timeframe. Things like replicated websites, co-op advertising, and low cost marketing kits are things that indicate a great marketing engine is in place. You'll need these tools if you are going to attract potential customers quickly.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Your Home Business Attitude

By Gurmukh

Let me put this to you nice and sweet: Attitude predicts your future. Honestly.

If you tell yourself that you’re not going to succeed with a home business, you won’t. If you think you’re going to lose, you already lost.

I remember as a little girl in school, we had a Christmas fundraiser. The person who sold the most candy out of the entire school won the grand prize, a TV. I kept telling myself over and over again, “I’m going to win that TV.” It wasn’t the prize itself that I wanted so bad because God knows I had everything as a child. It was being number one. I had to be number one and I was determined to succeed!

Before starting a work from home business, take some time and write a list of goals. What is it you want for yourself? What is it you want for your family? What are the things you want to accomplish with a home-based business? Some of your goals may include the following:

- Put a child through college
- Pay off your bills
- Buy a new home
- Buy a new car
- Take a nice vacation

YOU CAN reach your goals, whatever they happen to be, if only you have the right attitude and support. I know how friends and family members can be. Negative at times, huh? UH HUH! Let them know what your goals and plans are and tell them you’d like some support with your new home business.

If ordinary people around the world are succeeding with their home business, so can you! What makes them different from you? You don’t need “skills” or a college degree to make a 6-figure income when it comes to a home business. All you need is the right attitude and you’re half-way to success!

By the way, I won that TV.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Develop Your Home-based Business by Developing Yourself

By Demetrios Tzortzis

People who have successful home-based businesses are most likely already successful within themselves. If you are just launching a home-based business and haven't ever taken the time to develop good qualities about your person, then your business will probably reflect that. Successful businessmen and women aren't necessarily born to be in business; they spend a lot of time working on themselves and on their businesses.

They endeavor constantly to expand their capabilities in all of life's realms. That way, when the time comes to serve their customers, affiliates or downline, they already have the necessary skills in place. Successful business people work on their leadership skills. They know that they have to have the power of attraction working for them. And they understand that nobody is attracted to somebody who is not developed on an intrapersonal level.

Here is a helpful list of characteristics that you might want to consider working on in order for your business to shine with positive distinctiveness:

1) Develop a positive attitude about life in general. People are attracted to positivity. They are also repulsed by negativity.

2) Develop your ability to be an effective communicator both verbally and textually. Communication is a primary key to the success of all businesses.

3) Realize that your home-based business is a business in every respect. Just because you run it from your home, doesn't mean that you can be a slacker.

4) Place exceptionally high value on customer service. Your customers are your business's life blood. Your business will fail without their support.

5) Educate yourself. Always look for new avenues to enhance your knowledge concerning business, human insight and the concepts of enthusiasm and positivity.

6) Do not jump in blindly into running your business and believe that you will experience success. Take your time and plan your business before you ever make the first move. The failure to have a good plan is the exact same thing as having a good plan for failure.

7) Accept and anticipate the fact that you are going to have to pump some money into this venture. Businesses do not run on error or air. You have to be correct in your knowledge and be willing to part with some of your cash.

8) Embrace and develop the concept of sacrifice. In order to escape the statistics that tell us that over 95% of new home-based businesses fail within the first year, you will have to sacrifice. You will have to sacrifice money, time, energy, and entertainment.

By developing positive and success-driven characteristics within yourself, you will be far more likely to succeed in your home-based business. Place yourself in the position of those you will be serving. Imagine how it feels to deal with you. You know what people want. They want the same thing that you want. They want to be treated with respect and made to feel that they are the most important part of your life. Give them what they want by developing positive characteristics within yourself and hence your business.

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Demetrios Tzortzis is unlocking the potential of new marketers to succeed without the initial "beginners" slump. Demetrios Tzortzis 720.339.3808

Monday, February 4, 2008

Your Home Based Business Can Be A Real Time Trap

By Manpreet Singh

The reasons people express for wanting to work from home are many and varied, but most home based business owners cite the ability to set their own hours as a major factor in their decision to work at home. However, many people that have work at home businesses often fall into a trap that flies directly in the face of their stated desire for time flexibility.

The strong growth in home based business activity continues and, according to the Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy, fifty-two percent of ALL small businesses are home based.

Some home based business owners have been known to become "workaholics" because their office is so accessible. Don't become a slave to your business... get out of your home office regularly to renew and revitalize yourself.

Close the door to your office or otherwise remove yourself from your designated "work area" and go into your "home area" to live your personal life. If your business involves the use of the telephone and you find it difficult to ignore a ringing phone in the office, simply turn the ringer off and turn the volume on the answering machine way down. If your business is internet based, just turn off your computer (or at least get away from the monitor and keyboard).

As a work at home business entrepreneur, you certainly aren't required to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week just because your business is located in your home. After all, your office or workspace is just an area in your home... it’s not your home itself!

Working and living under the same roof has a host of advantages, but it can present some challenges (in addition to the workaholic syndrome mentioned above) and stress factors.

Here are four ways to create a less stressful home business environment:

- Remember why you wanted to become involved with a home based business (i.e. more time for family, work schedule flexibility, etc.)

- Have discussions with your family members and get their input about the working arrangements and the amount of time they want with you.

- Use good time management techniques. Keep a list of tasks by order of importance. There are many low cost and effective "day planners" or "organizers" readily available today.

- ALWAYS take a little time to "smell the roses".

While not experiencing the negatives common to a corporate office working environment, the home based business owner may occasionally experience stresses and frustrations that are unique to working at home.

Networking with other home based and small business owners provides an opportunity to connect with others who may be experiencing the same stresses / frustrations that you are. Sharing stressful and / or frustrating issues with someone else in the same situation can relieve your stress and may bring you good advice from a different point of view.

As a final note, remember to observe Home Based Business Week each year (it is always the week of October that includes the second Tuesday).

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