By James Angell
More and more people are turning to work-from-home jobs to add some extra spending money to their households or even to provide their entire income. There are so many options out there that almost anyone can find an opportunity that will work well for them. However, as with any work situation, working from home comes with its own unique challenges.
There are a lot of great rewards to working from home. How many of your friends who work in office buildings are able to attend a conference call in their pajamas, work with the family dog at their feet, or avoid childcare costs? When you work from home, all those perks are yours -- and so are the obstacles.
One of the greatest obstacles work-from-home professionals face is self-discipline. There are days when just getting yourself motivated to sit down at your desk is difficult let alone sticking to your work schedule. As with any job, there will be days that you just don't feel like working. However, when you work from home, there's no boss watching to make sure you come in to work, so letting things slide can be all too easy.
Of course, sometimes sticking to your schedule is difficult because of family matters. If one of your reasons for working from home is to reduce or avoid childcare costs, you may find yourself struggling to get your work done because of the needs of your children. People with young children should look for work-from-home opportunities with very flexible hours so that they can work when the children are sleeping or when their spouse is available to care for them.
While having your family around is great, like many individuals who don't work in a traditional job, you might find yourself feeling lonely. As much as you love them, your family can't meet all your social needs. It can be truly difficult not to have other adults around to converse with throughout the day.
Though family members can be disruptive to your work day, your home itself can also provide distractions. You'll be amazed at how alluring laundry can be when you're having trouble focusing on your job. And, your phone will ring. Unfortunately, many friends and family members won't understand that even though you work from home, you still need to work!
Which brings me to another challenge -- lack of respect for what you do. When you work from home, many people will assume you don't work at all or that what you do is very simple and not "a real job." You'll find yourself constantly explaining what you do or letting people know that although you're home to answer the phone or attend your child's school concert, you do still work and you have a schedule to maintain.
Still another challenge for many people is the inability to organize both their time and their workspace. When you work from home it's important to have a specific place to perform your work. You shouldn't expect yourself to be able to work efficiently and with determination at your dining room table. Instead, set aside a pleasant space that you can look forward to going to and leave behind when your work time is up. Your workspace will also need to be organized in a manner that lets you focus on your work and find everything you need to do it easily.
Although the challenges to working from home are great, there are challenges in traditional jobs that you're not likely to face in your home office. For example, you won't find any gossip going on around your water cooler and the family dog isn't likely to engage in office politics. And, if you need an hour off to go to school and have a surprise lunch with your child, you can do that.
In truth, the benefits of working from home probably far outweigh the challenges. And, if you take the time to really think about what you're doing and how you can improve your process, there are some very simple ways to overcome the obstacles.
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Saturday, November 10, 2007
Working From Home Poses Unique Challenges
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Work At Home Based Business Opportunities Needs Presold Persuasion
By Juhani Tontti
What is preselling? Well, I see it as an ability to draw the reader through the AIDA process, to get attention, then interest, then desire and finally to make him to take action. Actually it is very emotional process, building positive feelings towards the upcoming landing page.
1. Preselling Uses Emotions.
Successful marketers of the work at home based business opportunities know that all decisions are made by emotions and that when you train "how to pre sell" you have to make the prospect feel good or laugh to be able to build up the relationship, which is needed before the deal. This is the most important thing in getting targeted web site traffic!
2. If You Can Make The Reader To Laugh, You Will Win.
Another reason, why the meaning of the emotions is increasing is that, when products have become more and more alike, the emotional relations with the prospects solve who will win the deal. This means that the rational benefits are not a must but can be replaced by the emotional handling, i.e. by making the reader to feel good after he has read your article or even only the title.
3. The Skill To Persuade Is An Art.
All people like when somebody can make them laugh or feel good. Think about that. Somebody makes you feel good for free. That is great. Now the reader is totally open, he trusts you. And he wants more. He is among targeted web site traffic people. Open to your work at home based business opportunities.
4. Truth Well Told Is The Best Copystyle.
Despite of all fun and good mood, preselling cannot build up wrong image of what is coming. If the prospect will disappoint, he will remember that forever. And especially if your pre selling has made him feel good and laugh and then later he will see something totally different.
5. Use Personal Style.
When you can joke about your own errors and mistakes during your early days as a home business owner, your prospect feels that you belong to the same club. Never present yourself as a superior human being, people do not want that kind of relationships.
6. Reading Must Be Easy And Fun.
You can recall the style of advertising copywriters or Hollywood movie writers. They are always positive and very emotional. Most of them like everyday, small things, which they use in their writings. They know, that they have to make people like what they have done.
7. Build Curiosity.
When you succeed to make your prospect to laugh and have fun, he wants more about your work at home based business opportunities. In his mind he is prepared to see what you are selling. However do not reveal that, that is the task of the offer.
8. Write About Your Offer, Almost.
Yes, almost. The idea is to give a hint to the prospect but not the exact offer. However the writer must guide the reader into the approximate world of what is coming and avoid building disappointment. Underpromise and overdeliver.
9. The Author Box Is An Ad.
When you presell, use the Author Box as a text ad. Every word is important, because the target is that the prospect will click the link of your landing page. The Box text is a climax of the preselling, which has to lead the reader to take action.
Article Source:
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. The Preselling Rocks! I Invite You To Visit My Home Page To Find Good Information For Your Own Work At Home Based Business Opportunities. Just Click HERE!